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Asher Yatzar
This month we are focusing on how to make our asher yatzar something special.
The Kuzari says “כמה גדולה הברכה הזאת בעניניו וכמה מתוקנות מלותיה”. “How great is this bracha and perfectly designed are these words”.
This bracha of asher yatzar helps us calibrate our compass each day to recognize the miracle of our existence. Each and every moment Hashem is upkeeping our body and keeping it going constantly.
The Shlah Hakadosh says, “ברכת אשר יצר ראויה להיות לראש כל הברכות”. “The bracha of asher yatzar is the father of all the brachos.
The Ramban says that the purpose of every bracha is to promote yiras Hashem. We are showing that we are admitting that control is not in our hands, but in Hashem’s hands. Through the experience of this bracha, one can see Hashem in a way which is so easy to take for granted.
There is only one bracha that the Shulchan Aruch gives the definitions to: asher yatzaar.
In the bracha of asher yatzar, it doesn’t go into the reason we are saying it; because we went to the bathroom. WHY NOT?
The simple answer is that it's because of lashon naki. But there is a deeper answer: asher yatzar is not limited to the usage of the bathroom. Its talking about the miracle of the human body as a whole.
R’ Yonasan Eibishitz in Ya’aras Dvash says, “מי שבקי בחכמת הנתוח שקוראין אנטומי הוא יכיר את האהבת ה לאדם לחכמת היצירה”. “The more details you know about the body, the more you will come to realize how much Hashem loves us and creation.”
Rav Yerucham Levovitz says that if you understood the details of everything that goes on every time you eat one bite, or breathe one time, how many things could go wrong that DON’T, you would call your mother every time you ate and say, “k Ma, don’t worry I am safe!”
So now, this month we are working on taking our asher yatzar up a notch, to the next level. Hashem does so much, upkeeping our body at every moment. If He would cease to do so for ONE minute, we would not be alive. One way we can serve Him is by putting Him first and asking ourselves, WHAT DOES HASHEM WANT FROM ME RIGHT NOW WHEN I LEAVE THE BATHROOM.
Just think! 20 seconds set aside to say the berocha with kavanna, times 6 times a day, approximately, would take only 120 seconds a day to give thanks to Hashem!!
If you don’t yet say it, start trying to say it in the morning
Try saying it inside (I will send out a card for you to print out or have on your phone so you can always have the words with you)
Try saying it while thinking about all the words
Try thinking about the meaning of the words
Try standing in one place while saying it
choose one phrase that you will focus on for the week, and every week do a different phrase
If you already have kavanna, I will send out a daily fact about the body to make you aware of the constant miracle that He is doing for us.
no matter how big or small you want the kabbala to be, just the act of doing it is making the malachim dance!!!
Rabbi Efrem Goldberg gave a shiur on meaningful minute about asher yatzar, its really kedai.
Asher Yatzar: Programs
What is going on in our bodies?
Asher Yatzar: Welcome

Asher Yatzar: Pro Gallery
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