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Just a Little Background

Introducing Brachos

This month, Iyar, we will be focusing on our Brachos. How often do we give a second thought to our Brachos that we say so often? Do you realize that you probably say the words “Baruch Atah Hashem Elokeinu Melech Haoleam…” over 80 times a day? 80 TIMES A DAY! What other words do you say that many times in ONE day? I bet you didn’t know that you said it that many times! We have to remember that these brachos aren’t just words that we mumble or say when we are obligated to, but there is Someone listening on the other side! There is Someone waiting to hear you mean what you say when you recite the bracha on the creation that HE gave YOU!! Ask yourself, “Why am I saying this bracha?” “What is my goal in reciting this bracha?”

Remember that “Karov Hashem Lichol Korav, Lichol Asher Yikra’uhu b’emes—Hashem is close to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him sincerely.” 80 times, over 80 TIMES throughout each day we call out to Hashem! 80 opportunities to make a bracha and forge a connection!!

 R’ S.R. Hirsch said: “lichol asher yikrauhu b’emes refers to the people who want Hashem to enter their lives and guide their every action. Hashem is close to all those who truly want Him to be near. However He is not near those who merely want to satisfy their personal desires.”


Raise Your Bar

Practical Tips

  • Say the bracha out loud.

  • Say the bracha only when there is someone to answer amen. Or choose one bracha that you won’t say unless someone is there to answer amen.

·        Here is an interesting one: get yourself a partner in each setting, that you will answer amen to each other’s brachos. Whether it’s morning brachos, a bracha on food, or Asher Yatzar, when you have a buddy, it motivates you, you can cheer each other on.

  • Daven brachos inside. Or choose one bracha that you will do inside. Or once a meal. Or once a day.

  • Say the bracha without a hefsek.

  • Say the bracha only once the food is in your hand.

  • Say the bracha with the English translation.

  • When washing al netilas yadayim, do it in fast succession, wash, bracha, dry, pick up food, bracha, eat.

  • Try to wash at least once a day

  • Sit when you make the bracha.

  • Bench in the place you eat.

  • Bench inside.

  • When you eat something, say in your own words, “yummmm, thank You Hashem for this yummy delicious _________”

  • Contemplate the food you are about to bite into, what went into making the food.

  • BONUS: have a brachos party! (or even when you are going to have a snack, have two things that are two different brachos instead of one bracha)

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Let's Explore


In Yeshaya, it says, “This nation I have created for Myself, that they should relate My praise.” (43:21) We were created to advertise the greatness of the Creator. In this pasuk, the word zu means to exclude all other nations; none of them are capable of this function. WE, as a nation, Bnei Yisrael, was created to praise Hashem! That is why, when the Torah was given at Har Sinai, and our forefathers accepted it by saying “Naaseh v’nishma­­,” it was considered that the creation of the world fulfilled its purpose.

Hashem is so eager for us to advertise His praises because it’s the greatest benefit for us. The greatest happiness for us is to be busy all our lives, talking about the praises of Hakadosh Baruch Hu. We’re not doing any favor to Him. We’re doing favors for ourselves! “Ashrei yoshvai vaisecha, od yihalelucha selah”, those who sit for long hours in the house of Hashem are happy both in this world and in the World to Come. If we’re busy in this world praising Hashem, then in the World to come we’re going to have much more for which to praise Him, and that will be the happiness of ETERNITY! We’re going to exult in that happiness forever!!

Yeshaya is telling us that we were cerated to advertise Hashem. We start davening in the morning with “Hodu lashem”. People think that hodu means “thank” and “praise,” but those are secondary meanings. Hodu actually means “raise up on high” or “elevation”. So “Hodu lashem” means “Elevate Hashem.” That’s the most important interest in life! “kiru vishmo—Call out in His name.” let everybody know about it. When you make a bracha, don’t make a secret of it. Make a bracha so everyone should hear—ADVERTISE IT! THAT’S THE REASON WE’RE IN THIS WORLD: “Hodiu vaamim alilosav—make known among the nations His deeds.”

Chesed begins at home, so first you have to let Jews know about Him. But before you begin to advertise Hashem to other Jews, advertise Him to yourself!! Let yourSELF know about Hashem’s greatness!! Every time YOU make a bracha, think to yourself, “I am elevating Hashem with this bracha. I am advertising Him, telling myself He is great.”

               (sourced from “Most Beautiful Nation” By Rabbi Avigdor Miller)

When you absorb this, when you realize what your bracha is accomplishing, you will really value each bracha!

Brachos: Programs


Quick Daily Calculation of Brachos

Quick Daily Calculation:

(24 +1)   Maariv and Sefiras Ha’omer

(1)          Hamapil

(21)        Morning Berachos

(24)        Shacharis

(19)        Mincha

(6)          Any meal with bread

Shabbos extras:

(7)          Shabbos Mussaf

(3)          Kiddush

(3)          Al Netilas Yadayim x 3

(3)          Hamotzi x 3

(12)        Birkas Hamazon x 3

Extras throughout the day that might come up:

(1)            Shehakol

(1)          Ho’eitz

(1)          Ho’adama

(1)          Mezonos

(1)          Hagefen

(1)          Lihafrish Challah Min Ha’isa

(1)          Li’hadlik Ner Shel Shabbos

(1)          Al Sefiras Haomer

(1)          Asher Yatzar

(1)          Shehechiyanu

(1)          Oseh Maaseh Bereishes

(1)          Shekocho U’gvuraso Malei Olam

(1)          Zocher Habris V’neeman Briso

(1)          Birchas Ha’ilanos (Nissan)                           

Special Occasions:

(2)          Hallel

(7)          Mussaf on Rosh Chodesh

(1)          Al Netilas Lulav

(1)          Leishev Basukka

(2)          Lihadlik Ner Shel Chanuka and Sheasa Nissim

(1)          Al Tevilas Keilim

(1)          Likboah Mezuzah

(1)          Al Hatvilah

Brachos: About Us
Brachos: Pro Gallery

Mach A Bracha Song

From Oorah

Brachos: Welcome

Brachos Shiur

Rabbi Shimshon Pincus

Brachos: Welcome

©2020 by Hashem First and V'Hu Keili

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